Making Time for YOU

Hello 2016!! I pray that many of you have been able to accomplish the goals you made for 2015.  If I were to be honest I would say that I hit 75% of the goals I made.  Do I think I failed?  Heck No!! I was so proud of myself for the ones I was able to complete. I am grateful I was over 50%.

This January I have decided not to talk about goals for the year. I do hope that you all have a list your working on and you'll strive your best to complete it.  I know I will.  This month I would like to throw out a challenge to add to your goals this year.  The challenge is ...

Find and Make Time for YOU!

It is so important to remember YOU in the every day.  Take time to appreciate what you have.  Take time to count your blessings.  Take time to enjoy the moments you create and have this year.  Take time to relax, love, vacate, breathe and enjoy life.

Don't stress about what you haven't been able to get done each day or about the list you made that seems like it will never end.  Make sure to take time each day and every week to do something just for you.  This could be something different every day or it could be the same thing each day or week. You could take a bubble bath, read a book, go for a walk, watch a show you enjoy, drive around singing your favorite songs, get a pedicure, a massage, exercise etc. Find time in each day to take a minute for you.

I see people that live their lives in the fast lane and stress continues to build in their lives.  One day I feel like they may be stretched too thin and too far and they'll just break.  If we choose to take a step back and breathe for a minute and allow time to spend on us, it slows us down. It encourages us to remember ourselves.

When I take time for myself, I feel rejuvenated.  I become a better wife, mother, friend, sister, daughter, etc.  I feel like I can keep going and work on the next task on my list.  I am able to shed a little stress from a crazy life and feel like I can accomplish anything.  Everyone needs time to breathe. If you continue to run faster than you have strength than you will soon find yourself crashing.  Your body will give up forcing you to rest.

Those that take time for themselves tend to live happier lives.  If you are stressed, then you will soon find that everyone seems stressed around you.  Relax, put your feet up and take some "Me Time".

I challenge each of you to find time for yourself.  Pencil it in if you have to but DO IT.  Your mind needs it, your body needs it, you need it.

 Questions to think about:

Do I take time for myself?  What would I do if I had an entire day just for me?  What can I put off until tomorrow to give myself some time today?  How much time should I put aside for me each day?

Family Home Evening Ideas:

Talk about the importance of taking time for yourself.  Kids need this just as much as parents.  They need a break from school, friends, homework, siblings, parents etc.  Have the children talk about some things they enjoy doing and what would be a break for them.  Encourage everyone in the family to take some time for themselves.  Make a list of some things each person would enjoy doing during their "Me Time". It could be writing in a journal, coloring, drawing, reading, listening to music, etc.

Scripture for the Month:

"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." John 14:27

Follow up from previous months:

Go over the goals you made for 2015 and see how you did.  I hope you all did better than me :) Now think about some goals for this year.  It's a brand new year with a fresh new start!

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