
There is a great calling in life that I would like to focus on this month.  This great calling is motherhood.  To be a mother does not only mean birthing a child - because many women can do that. Being a mother is so much more.

A mother is someone that stands out from everyone else in the world and no one could ever take her place.  She's the only person that can make everything seem ok even when it's not. She's someone you can depend on.  A mother has many attributes and qualities.  She is kind, patient, forgiving, loving, understanding, considerate, brave, and happy. She is a teacher, encourager, listener, nurturer, a comfort, guide, an example, etc.  I could go on and on.  A mother is like no one else!

Being a mother is an incredible experience.  From the time the stick says "pregnant" to the first baby's cry.  A mother has a love for her children that can never truly be explained into words.  I did not understand this love fully until I had my own children.

I absolutely loved and adored my nieces and nephews and I thought I could never love anyone more than them.  Then I heard the first cry of my oldest son.  I had never experienced such a deep love for someone.  I didn't realize the love we had was building up over the nine months of pregnancy. Giving birth is one of the most spiritual experiences anyone can have.  Now for those that have adopted children, I am sure you would feel the same love, anticipation, and connection when you see your little one and hold them in your arms for the first time.  I can also say that the same love runs deep with every child.  I didn't think I could love my second son as much as my first but once again...I was proven wrong.  I love both of my boys so very much.  

Mothers endure remarkable pain just to bring a little one into this life.  I recently found a scientific fact that says, "Humans can only endure 45 del (units) of pain.  Yet at the time of birth a mother can feel up to 57 del (units) of pain. This is similar to feeling 20 bones fracturing at the same time!" Can you imagine now, a mother's pain and then love for her child?  One of the hardest things a mother has ever had to work for is also one of the greatest blessings she could ever receive. 

After nine months of sickness, discomfort, pain, and labor you would think motherhood should be easy, right?  I mean you went through so much just to hold this little one in your arms, so the hardest part is over right?  I can hear several moms laughing as they read this. HAHA.  Of course motherhood is not easy, but it's the best job ever! 

I have learned in the little time I have been a mother that motherhood is just like everything else in life... a learning experience.  You learn a lot about yourself including strengths and weaknesses you may never have thought you had.  You grow as they grow.  You learn through trial and error and every child is different.  It's not like you can figure out parenting with one child and thinks it's the exact same with the children to follow.  Each child has their own strengths and weaknesses just like you. Each child will learn differently and understand discipline and love differently.  Enjoy the time you have to be with your little ones because it goes fast.  I have so many people tell me to enjoy the times now because before  you know it they are off to college or getting married and having a family of their own.  Be the mother you want to be and ought to be now.

There will be days when you think, "what did I get myself into?" "Why did we think x amount of kids was a great idea?"  "This is too much, I'm not sure I am cut out for this."  Trust me when I say that you can do it.  I saw a quote recently that made me laugh.  It said, "It's not easy being a mother, if it were, fathers would do it." Haha. 

Remember that you always have the Lord to lean on.  He is there to guide you and help you as you do your best to raise these little spirits of His.  He wants you to succeed just as much, if not more than you do.  He never wants to see His children suffer or ache with hurt.  He's there, reach out and ask for His hand.  He will not disappoint. 

I am grateful to have an incredible mother in my life.  One that is supportive, full of love, laughter and kindness.  Above all, she's been a great example to me and I am grateful to have her as my mom. She truly is a wonderful friend and someone I can always depend on through the good and the bad.

I have also been blessed with an amazing mother-in-law.  She continues to lead by example and is an outstanding person to have in my life.  I am grateful to have such a warm, kind, and loving person to look up to.  So happy I get to have her as a second mom.     

To all of you mothers out there... Have an incredible mother's day! I pray you are spoiled to no end. You deserve it.  Remember to thank the Lord each day for the little ones you have in your life.

Questions to think about:

How do I show my love for my children?  Do they know I love them?  What can I do to improve my everyday with those I love? Is there someone in  your life that is like a mother to you even if it is not your own?  What qualities does she have?  What qualities do you see in your mom?

Family Home Evening Ideas:

Talk about the importance of mothers.  Ask what makes a mother a mother?  Reach out to your own mother and thank her for what she has done for you. Also talk about how someone could be a mother without having children What would motherhood mean to them?

Scripture for the month:

"I will walk by faith even when I can not see." 2nd Corinthians 5:7

Follow up from previous month: 

Were you able to declutter some areas in your life?  Do you feel better letting go of the past? Remember organization isn't about perfection, it's about efficiency and reducing stress.

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